Tuesday, November 08, 2005

This is quoted from my xanga...why I'm feeling rather...teh suck right now.

I know I've been posting about a lot of 'silly' stuff as Jamie (your face) puts it...and how I desperately have been wanting to go shopping (and I still do)...but I think I'll take this time to talk about something a bit more serious...It may not directly affect me, but it does affect someone very dear to me.

Sometimes you don't realize how good you have it until, just like that, it is taken away from you. Imagine the scenario, you've been dating a special someone for several years now. You've been with this person through the thick and the thin, you know everything that person likes and dislikes, you know what makes them happy and you know what makes them sad. You pretty much know this person inside out, backwards and forwards. You may even be lucky enough to say that you truly 'love' them. So what do you do when you feel like you are in such a place...well duh, you get married. So you are planning your wedding. You have your personal wedding planner/organizer and have all the samples of everything you could imagine that you might consider including in your wedding. You finally find that perfect wedding dress after spending countless hours searching high and low. You have the perfect church, the perfect decorations, the perfect bouqet, the perfect cake, the perfect day, and pretty much everything you have control is perfectly selected. You have everything set and are awaiting the happiest day of your life. But wait, is life always that perfect? Does everything always go according to how you carefully planned it? It nevers really seems to at least from my experiences. If anything the exact opposite is what really happens...Now imagine this scenario, one day you sense that your loved one is upset. But they tell you nothing is wrong, but deep in your heart you know something is wrong. So you ask them again, and they tell you. It turns out that someone dear to your loved one is ill. Not just your ordinary common cold but critically ill. Suddenly, all your hopes and dreams fade away. That picture perfect day of your life is not so perfect anymore. You still have your perfect dress, your perfect cake, and pretty much everything perfect. But how can the perfect day accompanied with the perfect things not be perfect? Do all the things really matter? Would you trade all of those things in for the sake of a loved one? What would you do?...

If you are lucky enough to not to have to deal with such tragedies, you should be grateful. You should be grateful of your family, you should be grateful of your friends, you should be grateful of every aspect of your life. Because one day, on one page of your life, you will have to make a choice between the perfect plan and what really matters to you...


At 9:29 AM, Blogger marie k huynh said...

i'd trade it in a second.

i'm thankful for my longie. no joke. i really am :D

At 9:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep your head up.


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