Monday, November 14, 2005

Apparently I'm not the original Flong...

This is straight out of Wikipedia.

Flong is a term in printing which refers to a kind of stereotype used in a rotary press.

Invented in Lyon in 1829 by the French printer Claude Genoux, a flong was a papier-mâché mould taken of a set of type which could then be curved to fit the cylinder of a rotary press. A further improvement to the technique was made in 1893 when the dry flong replaced the wet flong. More recently, flongs have been made of plastic and rubber. They remained widely in use until the invention of offset lithography in the 20th century led to rotary presses being mostly replaced by the new technology.

The word is derived from the French flan.

Boo Hoo

Apparently, they are also "Foldable Thongs"

Another definition.

FLONG, v. and n. An act typical of new users of the Internet in
which they compulsively flood all email addresses known to them
with bogus virus warnings, hackneyed xeroxlore and long-since-
debunked urban legend scare stories. As in, "I was flonged three
times this week" or "The first thing my mother did when she got
onto the net was send me some flong."
Noooo...I'm the true Flong...


At 4:12 PM, Blogger thomasnguyencom said...

I concur, you are the true "Flong!".


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